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Executive Briefing 11.23.15 - IoT Leaders are Unpredictable; Generational Characteristics Drive Sales; Charlie Sheen’s Legal Marketing Campaign

CommPRO-Executive-BriefingIn today’s Executive Briefing we take a look at Black Friday, Cyber Monday, And Giving Tuesday: How Generational Characteristics Drive Retail Sales with Ann Fishman, President, Author, Marketing to the Millennial Woman.  Also included we learn more about Charlie Sheen’s Accidental Legal Marketing Campaign from Steve Lundin, Chief Hunter & Gatherer, BIGfrontier Communications Group, Author, “The Manipulator: A Private Life in Public Relations (Volume I)”.As we celebrate the fifth anniversary of CommPRO, I’d like to take a moment to thank our loyal readers and partners for their continued support. We hope our new readers enjoy CommPRO and welcome your feedback and suggestions so we continue to provide a unique and relevant service. You can reach me at:

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