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Executive Briefing 11.25.15 - Black Friday Branding Blunders; The Biggest Travel Week of the Year; Marketing Survival Tips for Black Friday

CommPRO-Executive-BriefingIn today’s Executive Briefing we take a look at Black Friday Branding Blunders with David E. Johnson, CEO, Strategic Vision, LLC.  Also included are the Top 6 Marketing Survival Tips for Black Friday and Cyber Monday from Jess Stephens, CMO, Smartfocus.The CommPRO Executive Briefing will be taking a break for the holiday.  We will be back on Monday!  Happy Thanksgiving!As we celebrate the fifth anniversary of CommPRO, I’d like to take a moment to thank our loyal readers and partners for their continued support. We hope our new readers enjoy CommPRO and welcome your feedback and suggestions so we continue to provide a unique and relevant service. You can reach me at:

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