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Expand Your Reach By Leveraging Influencers

Ninety-two percent of consumers trust recommendations, whether from peers or strangers, over branded content. And these days, more and more people turn to their social media networks to get quick buying advice during their decision-making process.Influencer Ad2_300x250Fifty-two percent of your peers have already implemented an influencer program to help expand reach on these platforms and see an average ROI of $6.50 for each dollar spent. So what's keeping your brand from getting involved in this money-making marketing strategy?Reap the results of influencer marketing with tips, tactics and outreach ideas from our latest white paper, "How to Use Influencers to Expand Reach and Impact." This free white paper will explore how you can:

  • Identify the right influencers for your brand's audience and campaign
  • Reach out and establish trust with influencers
  • Maintain relationships and nurture influencers' long-term loyalty

Make friends today to boost your bottom line by tomorrow. Get our free white paper now to find out how!