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“Fake It ‘Til You Make It”: Honesty Expert Tackles Truth in Communication (Free Webinar On-Demand)

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Webinar Overview

Today, “fake news” and “alternative facts” are fast becoming the norm in our communications. Distorting the truth and sharing information without sufficient evidence of whether or not it’s accurate is not only escalating world-wide, but it’s what now seems to be expected, accepted, and, perhaps, even rewarded.

In honor of this year’s “National Honesty Day” (April 30), leading expert on the subjects of honesty and communication Steven Gaffney will explore the topic and how it influences the way in which we interact as people, and how it impacts our successes and failures in business. The webinar will include:

  • Reasons why people (and companies) lie

  • Definitions – and misperceptions - of honest communication

  • How to foster environments that encourage and reward honest communications

  • Scenarios that warrant a lie (yes, there are appropriate and desired times to lie)

  • Red flags to watch for that help identify when people are being less than truthful

  • Audience Q & A


Steven Gaffney

Steven Gaffney

For two decades, Steven Gaffney has been the leading expert on honesty and communications. He is the respected author of five books and publications: “Just Be Honest,” “Honesty Works!” “Honesty Sells,” “Guide to Increasing Communication Flow Up, Down, and Across Your Organization,” and “21 Rules for Delivering Difficult Messages.” His newest book, “Be a Change Champion: 10 Factors for Sustaining the Boom and Avoiding the Bust of Change” is due out later this year.

Gaffney’s work has been sought out by a diverse range of leaders including top military officers and chief executives of multinational organizations such as Marriott, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, BP, SAIC, Citigroup, Allstate Insurance, Defense Logistics Agency, Northrop Grumman, Best Buy, NASA, the U.S. Navy, American Express, General Dynamics, the U.S. Marine Corps, Barrick Gold Corporation, Booz Allen Hamilton, and many others.

Steven Gaffney is a Certified Speaking Professional™ and a highly respected member of the Million Dollar Speaking Group of the National Speakers Association. He is also a former adjunct faculty member of The Johns Hopkins University, as well as former board member of the Washington, D.C. chapter of Sales and Marketing Executives International. Thousands of people across the globe credit Steven Gaffney’s speaking engagements, seminars, television and radio appearances, books and multimedia products with making immediate and lasting positive changes in both their organizations as well as their personal lives.

Paolina Milana

Moderated by Paolina Milana

Paolina Milana is an expert in strategic communications. With more than 15 years as a respected leader, her experience spans a variety of industries and environments including for-profit and non-profit, B2B and B2C, start-up and established. A masterful storyteller with a journalistic background, Paolina has helped build brands and bottom lines for organizations including PR Newswire, Marketwired, YP, Northern Illinois University, The Lighthouse for The Blind, and St. Baldrick’s Foundation. She is a published author and award-winning writer. She currently is serving as a marketing, PR & editorial consultant, and in that capacity is working with CommPro to spearhead its corporate social responsibility channels and strengthen strategic partnerships.

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