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February Consumer Magazine Launches: It Was Truly The Month For Lovers – Of Magazines

69 New Titles Hitting The Market – 12 With Promised Frequency

Chilly temps may have kept you inside with that special someone during the month of February, and if it did there was certainly no shortage of interesting and entertaining new magazines out there to read and enjoy. From gardening to adult coloring to what to bring to that church potluck supper; February delivered a heart-shaped basket full of super consumer magazine launches.Take a look at all of the covers and notice the diversity and beauty that each bring to the reader and to the world of magazines…See you next month for a monumental March…

But first here are the stats:

Mr Magazine February Launch StatsMr Magazine February Launch Stats - Comparison

Up first our frequency covers:

February Consumer Magazine Launches

And now our specials:

February Consumer Magazine Launches - SpecialsFebruary Consumer Magazine Launches - SpecialsFebruary Consumer Magazine Launches - Specials - 3February Consumer Magazine Launches - Specials