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Find Content Your Audience Cares About

Jill KurtzJill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyEngaging on social media means posting content that your target audience cares about. Sharing content about you and your services is the easy part. Finding other relevant content that will demonstrate that you are interested in more than selling yourself is more challenging.The good news is that there are several tools out there that can help.“Content curation” is the generally used term for finding content that your audience cares about. Successful content curation starts with knowing your audience well. What do they care about? What are their interests? What can you help them understand?Once you have a deep understanding of what matters to your audience, you then need the right tool to help you discover great content to share.Google AlertsWith this free tool, you can create daily alerts based on keywords or phrases. You can also review content aggregated under many topics set up in Google Alerts. This is a free tool that is great for finding content across the web. It is not as powerful for finding relevant content in social provides you with recommendations based on categories that you select within your account. It also allows you pull content from what others in the platform have shared. Like Google Alerts, sends out a daily update of topics that you can follow to find relevant content.Both free and paid accounts are available. The free version allows you to monitor a single topic and use the content generated on up to two social media accounts. The $11/month package allows you to follow multiple topics and share the generated content across all of your social media channels.FeedlyIf you like working with RSS feeds, then you will find Feedly easy to use. You add your favorite sources and then browse through the aggregated news feed. This is a great tool if you know where you want to pull your content from. Again, there are both free and paid accounts. For $5/month, you can access additional features like search options, customer support, and Evernote integration. [author]About the Author: Jill Kurtz founded Kurtz Digital Strategy to help clients see the communication potential of the newest trends and technologies. She is an expert at website strategy and redesign, social media planning, and developing exceptional content.[/author]