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Five Useless Questions to Remove from Engagement Surveys

Five Useless Questions to Remove from Engagement Surveys 

Remove the fluff with no clear path to action, and you’ll get higher response rates, better data and more robust answers. You’ll also build trust and waste less time.

Mark Murphy, CEO, Leadership IQThe purpose of an employee engagement survey is to increase employee engagement.The purpose is not to idly measure, satisfy executives’ curiosity or establish a baseline. If an employee engagement survey isn’t designed to help us increase engagement, we risk violating employees’ trust and actually decreasing their engagement.Think of it like this: People take time out of their day to answer a survey. They do so with the expectation and an implied promise that something will improve. But if months go by with no significant action taken, they’ll feel like the company broke that implied promise.[RELATED: Join us Nov. 15 for our Transforming Communications: Leaders Speak Out Webinar]Most companies don’t start their survey with the intention of not taking action on the results. But that’s the typical outcome because the survey questions most companies ask are too vague or lack a specific path to action.More than 10,000 HR executives have taken the online test “How Good Is Your Employee Engagement Survey?” One of the questions asks, “Do your survey questions have a clear path to action (i.e., if you get a low score on a question, you know exactly how to fix the issue).”Continue reading here...