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Forget New Year’s Resolutions! Set Goals Instead

The real story about New Year’s resolutions is that people like to write them, yet they rarely achieve them. So why bother? Instead of writing a list of News Year’s resolutions, take time to think about three goals that will impact your life in a BIG way.

As Lucas Falconer says, “Goals are what take us forward in life; they are the oxygen to our dreams.”Stephen Covey tells us to “Begin with the end in mind.”

What do you really want your life to be like that it isn’t right now? Create a visual image of your most fulfilled life, your business and/or your career. Then write down the three goals which will get you closer to that image.

Here’s some insights I have learned from many business and life gurus, books, workshops and courses that have helped me achieve my goals. It’s my pleasure to share them with you. Apply these steps and before 2017 ends, you will be patting yourself on the back for achieving more than you ever thought possible.

1. Set no more than 3 goals at one time. The brain seems to absorb information most effectively when it is presented in threes. Writers know this and usually present only three major points to impact the reader. And so it is for all of us. Identify the three goals you most want to achieve and it will enable your brain to embrace these goals and move forward.

2. Develop a strategic plan for each goal. List the action steps you will take to reach each goal and create the desired timeline to achieve each step and mark it on your calendar.

3. Identify an accountability partner. This works especially well if your accountability partner has also set goals and you can work together to support each other on your journeys. Check in weekly or every other week to discuss how you are each doing, what are the roadblocks and how to find detours when life gets in the way. Being accountable is important.

4. Be prepared to forgive yourself if your timeline was a little ambitious. Many goals take longer to achieve than we expect. That’s okay. Don’t give up on the goal if it is important to you. Along with action, patience is required to achieve our goals.

5. FOCUS. The most important five-letter word to ensure you reach your goals is F-O-C-U-S. What we focus on is what we get. Always focus on want you want to achieve…NOT on what you DON’t want. Check out the book “The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results” by Gary Keller. This book will wake you up to the power of FOCUS and how with focus we can achieve all our goals and dreams.

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