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Found: 5 Tips To Help You Be Noticed

Marie Raperto, The Hiring Hub5 Tips To Help You Be NoticedHave you been FOUND by a recruiter lately?  You may not be actively seeking a new position but sometimes that's when the best opportunity knocks.  Whether you are looking or not, a recruiter should be able to find you.  Yes, knowing recruiters and keeping in touch with them is important, however there are a lot of recruiters and hiring managers out there.  If you want to be found, follow these tips:

  1. Join. Get onto social media. Use Twitter.  Follow recruiters, retweet their tweets.  We will check you out.  Keep your profile up-to-date and state what you do with a link to an online bio/resume.  Use LinkedIn.  Use keywords and have a concise profile, join pertinent groups.  Don't forget to check out other sites as well.  If recruiters in your field are on Google+, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat etc., join them.
  2. Publish.  Get your name out as much as possible.  When you are published, spread the word on social media.
  3. Speak.  Look for opportunities to speak locally as well as nationally/internationally.  Join panel discussions.  Then let everyone know when/where you will be doing it and provide the script/handout after the event.
  4. Meet.  Get to know the leaders in your industry.  Follow them on social media and interact with them.  Influencers are often asked for recommendations by recruiters.
  5. Contact.  Call or email a recruiter.  Let them know that for the right opportunity you could be available.  If your background doesn't fit, they will let you know.  Better to be in a recruiter's database than not.

Time to be Found.   Let's go!