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Fox Backs Hannity Through Cohen Revelation

David Diaz, CEO, Davenport Laroche 

These days, TV news talking heads are as liable to in the headlines as reporting on them. Just ask Bill O’Reilly, Megyn Kelly or, yes, Sean Hannity. 

Hannity, the top pundit on the Fox network, has been in the news recently after it was disclosed he was the unnamed third client of attorney Michael Cohen. After Cohen was asked, in court, to name his clientele that might be connected in some way to President Trump, his legal team tried to have the question stricken from the record. They refused to answer, but the questions kept coming. Eventually, Cohen answered: that client was Hannity, who has been an ardent supporter of the President since before he was elected. 

Fox Backs Hannity Through Cohen RevelationThat news landed on most headlines like a bombshell, and Hannity went immediately into narrative-shift mode. He did know Cohen, yes, and he had ‘informally’ asked for his advice on a few occasions, but had never actually retained him. So, according to Hannity, he was not really a client. This narrative slightly contradicted the language used by Cohen himself, when asked about the three clients. But it agrees with Fox’s version of events. The network has come out strongly behind its most valuable news asset. In an official statement, Fox said: 

“While Fox News was unaware of Sean Hannity's informal relationship with Michael Cohen and was surprised by the announcement in court yesterday, we have reviewed the matter and spoken to Sean and he continues to have our full support…” 

Naturally, that explanation was cheered by Hannity supporters and jeered by those critical of both the host and the embattled attorney, Mr. Cohen. So, round and round the story went, both on the political blogs and on social media. Some said it didn’t even matter if Hannity was a full-fledged client of Cohen’s. Everyone knew he was biased. It’s not like he makes a secret of it. 

Others believe Hannity was ‘hurt’ by the connection, saying his credibility is scarred because he failed to disclose this relationship even while loudly offering support for both Trump and Cohen. Many critics are saying the connection between Hannity and Cohen creates a major conflict of interest for the television host. Supporters say that’s nonsense. Everyone knows Hannity supports Trump. It’s no secret, thus no conflict of interest. 

While that battle rages in the consumer public, in the courtroom, onlookers were shocked when Hannity was finally revealed to be the mystery client. Reporters said there were “audible gasps” in the courtroom when it was revealed. So, clearly, it’s an issue for many. How much of an issue? That question is yet to be answered.