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Genesis Flores is 2020 Art Stevens PRSA-NY/ CCNY Scholar for Excellence in Public Relations

Genesis Flores, a junior in the Advertising/Public Relations Program in the Division of Humanities and theArts at The City College of New York, is the 2020 ArtStevens PRSA-NY/ CCNY Scholar for Excellence in Public Relations. This marks the 13th year that Art Stevens has funded this scholarship to support rising talent.

Stevens, managing partner of The Stevens Group and a CCNY alumnus, created the scholarship in 2008 to support talented students majoring in communications. His commitment to both PRSA-NY and the City College Communications Alumni Group inspired him to name the scholarship for both organizations.

In addition to excelling academically, Genesis interns at Braid Communications, a boutique PR agency that specializes in consumer marketing and multicultural consumer-facing communications.  She currently serves on CCNY’s PRSSA chapter executive board and was elected chapter president for the 20-21 academic year.   She was selected to participate in the highly competitive 4A’s 2020 Multicultural Advertising Internship Program (MAIP) this summer.

“Genesis is in a class by herself as an outstanding recipient for this important award,” said Lynn Appelbaum, professor in the Ad/PR program. “As a member of our PRSSA chapter’s leadership team for the past two years, Genesis has made invaluable contributions to the professional opportunities for our majors.  Her strong academic record, internship experience and leadership are the emblematic of what makes her an outstanding PR professional in the making.”

FormerArt Stevens scholars include, Kellie Jelencovich ’11, public relations manager, Travel Leaders Group and president of PRSA NY; and Caterine Molina Barfell ’13, supervising account executive at Ketchum; Brent Reams ’14, communications professional at Jackson Spalding agency, Atlanta; and Jody Karg ’20, who will join R/F Binder’s Associate Program this summer.

“ArtStevens’s support plays an essential role in student success because it alleviates the tuition burden, so students can focus on their academics and careers,” said Ed Keller, professor and Ad/PR program director. “Beyond the financial support,Artcontinues to mentor his scholars and has built a family ofStevensScholar alumni who meet annually to support each other.  Artis a role model in our industry.”