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Give Your Brand a Personality

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyPeople seek relationships with one another and, yes, with brands. Your brand’s social personality is an important part of what will make people engage or ignore you. Spend time to define a personality for your brand that will resonate with your target audience and you will position yourself for social media engagement.The most successful brands use a variety of ways to connect with their audience, just as there are many dimensions to person-to-person relationships. These brands also portray human personality traits within their communications.Brand Personality Is Good for BusinessWhether they realize it or not, a person’s connection to your brand will be driven, at least in part, by how they feel about your brand.Studies show that the attractiveness of a brand’s personality significantly affects word-of-mouth advocacy. The more attractive your brand personality is, the more customers will recommend your products/services to their friends, families, and associates.There are other reasons why brand personality is good for business:

  • It helps build sustained relationships with your audiences by forming an emotional connection to your brand.
  • It communicates the positive traits of your brand in a relatable way.
  • It differentiates your brand from your competitors. You may do the same thing, but no two personalities are exactly alike.
  • Bring Your Personality to Your Social Presence
  • Now that you have taken time to define your brand personality, you need to let it shine in all your social media activities. Social media channels are designed to cultivate relationships, so it is the perfect venue to help people to get to know you.

Share Your Point of ViewTell people what you think and how you approach problems and opportunities. Let them know where you stand. Opinions and outlook are a central part of personality, so you need to let them shine. People won’t be able to decide if they like you if they don’t know where you stand.Tell StoriesStories use simple words to present ideas, feelings, and concepts. Storytelling can capture your audience’s attention and strike an emotional chord, which is unparalleled when it comes to building strong customer relationships.Any Topic that Showcases Your Personality Is RelevantPeople have a wide range of interests. Embrace that. Don’t stay overly focused on core brand messaging. Be willing to comment on whatever you know is on the minds of the people you want to connect with.Be funny for no other reason than to engage. Share your reaction to news events or historical milestones. All personalities are multi-faceted. Make sure your brand is not one-note.