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Got Cookies?

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Got cookies"If you accept to receive cookies on our site, we assume you're also happy to receive real cookies. Therefore, we have updated our cookie policy so if you accept cookies, we'll send you real cookies. Those you can eat, of course."An open-source application to send you real cookies the moment you accept the "I accept cookies" button.Cookies are great—the sugary, sweet kind, at least. The kind that websites store on your browser can get kind of annoying.Pågen, the leading bakery company in Sweden, has developed a new type of open-source website cookie banner that aims to make the alerts less annoying by offering a sample of real cookies if the user accepts.Since the implementation of the EU Cookie Directive, which requires sites to alert visitors when they store pieces of text on their device as they browse, there has been a large increase in the number of cookie alerts on the web. These banners at the top of websites can often be quite annoying, so Pågen thought it would be nice to offer real cookies in exchange. The bakery has made their solution open source and free so any company can install a customized alert on their website and start giving away cookies for free. Johanna Wrangell, Web Manager at Pågen, said:“If you accept to receive cookies on a website, we assume you’re also happy to receive real cookies. That’s why we have updated our cookie policy so the moment you hit the “I accept cookies” button on our website we will send you a sample of our real cookies. Cookies you can eat of course…We want to make the moment of accepting cookies something to long for and we hope more companies will start giving away real cookies. It’s a piece of cake for any cookie monster to customize and implement our cookie alert on their website. No one should have to accept cookies without getting real cookies.”As Christmas is traditionally a great time for sharing, this cookie alert will be active on Pågen’s website until December 22. If Swedish users accept cookies on the site, the bakery will send them a voucher that can be traded for real cookies at a nearby convenience store. 

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