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Gregg Castano on Leveraging Multimedia to More Effectively Tell Your Company's Story

Every entrepreneur knows that one of most difficult things about building a new business, aside from financial part, is getting your target customer to know about your company. Promotions, marketing and public relations to raise your your brand awareness as your grow the reputation of your company will help to establish traction in the marketplace.

In this video from Leading Entrepreneurs of the World, Gregg Castano the Founder & CEO of News Direct, discusses how in today's day and age it’s even more difficult to build awareness when most people are besieged with a tidal wave of information from all directions. “The way to combat that is to skillfully combine public relations and marketing, two disciplines which have really converged over the last ten years because of digital media,” says Castano.

Leading Entrepreneurs of the World is one of the most comprehensive entrepreneurial platforms and events in the world and features entrepreneurs, founders and business leaders presenting on cutting-edge topics and the latest industry developments.