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Harnessing the Power of Data-driven Decision Making

Even during times of uncertainty, there’s one thing marketers can count on--data. Did you know that businesses with data-driven strategies drive up to eight times more results?

Talkwalker teamed up with HubSpot to create this marketing manager playbook to help you put information at the heart of your marketing strategy.

In "The Marketing Manager Playbook," you’ll find tips, templates, cheat sheets, and downloads to help you manage your day-to-day information more efficiently.

The power of data-driven marketing decisions

Data is defining the future of marketing because it is arming us with actionable insight. One of the most powerful marketing tools is data-driven decision making.  It gives you the capabilities to target campaigns to segmented audiences, create content based on what we know consumers love, build messages that we know will engage.

Along with the power, today's marketer is taking on more responsibilities. More sources to monitor, figures to crunch, information to decipher into insights.  Although this is a challenge, a successful marketer is ready to meet it head on.

Download "The Marketing Manager Playbook"