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Holiday Survival Tips for PR Procrastinators

Holiday Survival Tips for PR Procrastinators Just like Santa and snowmen, procrastination is one of the biggest constants of the holiday season. In some way and at some time, we’ve all found ourselves down to the wire during the holidays.The good news is there’s still time … Still time for decorating, still time for shopping, and still time for pitching the media on your brand’s last-minute holiday story.Reporters, editors, and producers welcome good story ideas, a fact that is particularly true as hard news often slows to a trickle amidst the hustle and bustle of the season.“So many people are off [work] around the holidays,” says Katie Kramer (@KatieKrames), web/mobile producer and social media specialist for Syracuse Media Group.She recommends PR professionals target broadcast outlets during the holidays because “television may need to fill time.”You can use this to your advantage by feeding the media’s appetite and giving them something to sink their teeth into (like the cookies left out for Santa). While your cohorts roast chestnuts on an open fire, you might secure some earned media placements.Earlier this season we published full lists of product pitching tips and content marketing ideas for the holidays; however, here are three quick reminders for a successful last-minute holiday strategy that won’t get “lost in the shuffle.”1. Work the Holiday Angle.Every story needs an angle, and a holiday connection provides an obvious, timely hook. Of course, one could argue that holiday-themed pitches are a dime a dozen this time of year, but being topical is a good start.Help your story stand out by following our rules for high-quality content. Be useful, newsworthy, and relevant, and tell a story that elicits emotion and inspires engagement.Media Friendly Content 

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