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How Can We Spell With Pen And Pencil Today When We’re So Dependent On Our Tech Tutor?

Let’s say after a couple glasses of wine an idea buzzes in Phillup’s sleepy mind inspiring him to opine.

The preposterous question swirling among his neurons is what role misogyny plays in artificial insemination.  What?  But how do you spell misogyny?   

No worries, Professor Microsoft or another tech tutor rushes in, fixes misspellings, corrects grammar, so Phillopian’s mind can keep snoring while he creates something boring. 

For inside that three-pound organ between Pill’s two big ears are 100 billion neurons ever seeking to connect with tens of thousands of words, the spellings of which AI continually corrects to avoid a typo blizzard.  (Prof: correct Phillup, Phillopian, Pill)

We can thank or spank AI for this as many of our computers today automatically correct all the words we would misspell when writing in longhand or on an older laptop.  In today’s computer spelling bees, we can snooze, but never lose.

But what if we returned to our former tech caveman selves in that prehistoric period before AI?  How would we handwrite the word management?  With an ‘e’ missing.  How about programming.  1 or 2 m’s?  Where’s our AI knight fixerupper?

According to the online tutoring platform Preply, those are two of the most misspelled words. A close runner up is what we call that salesperson trying to sell us real estate in a collapsing market.  Would you write Realtor, or misspell it as Relator as many do?

So, is AI making us richer or poorer spellers when we’re out on our own and not under the tech umbrella shielding us from horrific misspelling downpours?   

Are we developing a habit of relying on artificial intelligence to make us look real smart when maybe we’re the opposite with 2 p’s in that bonnet?   

Would we impress a perspective employer if we were to handwrite “boardmember” instead of board member; “companywide,” not company-wide?  Those are two of the more glaring misspelling winners, reports Anne Stych, editor of Bizwomen.

Imagine the impression typos and errors make in a LinkedIn profile.  Isn’t our writing, particularly on a resume, a reflection of our expertise, education, and accomplishment?  Imagine the impact on a potential employer if you misspell the word entrepreneur, which far too many are guilty of doing.

Would an entrepreneur who can’t spell the word instill much confidence in a potential investor?   Hardly! Would a manager candidate who leaves the “e” out of management be regarded that highly?  Doubt it. Why is there that ‘b’ in doubt?

Preply analyzed thousands of LinkedIn profiles to identify the top misspellings and grammar errors, and those were among the most common. 

In business communication, is not using the right words essential?  I write about how to make writing inviting in my latest book, WORDSHINE MAN.

This is especially true for job seekers who are looking to stand out in a crowd vyinb in an increasingly competitive market.  

As with all communication, written or oral, especially job seekers must make the best impression and to do that, some professional help can come in handy.  To navigate today’s challenging job market more easily and effectively, SMARTer Job Hunting has just released the perfect guide to help job seekers land the ideal job. 

Among Preply’s findings:

  • The three most misspelled words on LinkedIn are management, programming and I’m.

  • Commonly misspelled as “entreprenuer” and “enterpreneur,” entrepreneur is the most misspelled word across the 25 specific industries the company analyzed.

When LinkedIn members list their educational accomplishments, bachelor’s, as in the degree, is often missing an apostrophe before the "s," making it the top grammar mistake. 

Other common language usage errors include mixing up “is” and “are” and making software a plural noun — “softwares.”

Many errors occur when people prioritize speed and brevity and that plus a shallow understanding of grammar rules plays havoc with making the right impression.

Preply’s data showed that every month, more than 12,000 people turn to Google to question whether “managment” is how you spell the word management. About 1,900 search for the proper spelling “programming” versus “programing.”

While the word accountant is commonly misspelled as “accountnat,” I sure hope “accountnats” can count.

The advertising industry grapples with “advertisng.” Graphic designers fumble with “prinitng,” and higher education professionals sometimes are in “eduction” instead of education, “lanuages” speak for languages, and pedagogical is often misspelled in primary and secondary education as “pedagological.” 

“Commersial” sometimes wonders into media telecommunications. Development in the real estate industry is often disguised as “devlpmnt.” 

The writing and editing sector is not immune, struggling with “communciations.”