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How to Create Content that Attracts Targeted Readers

Bailey Belmont, Digital Marketing Specialist, Write My Essay TodayWhat are you reading? If you asked such a simple question ten years ago, you would get the name of the book and some details about the plot or core ideas and personal opinion of the reader. And that was the only way to answer this question. Development of new technologies and digitalization have greatly influenced people's answers about traditional leisure time. Nevertheless, there is still a possibility to receive such an answer, but mostly you will get something like "Oh, I am totally into Hubspot, LifeHacker or TechCrunch now". People started to substitute books as a source of information with blogs and feeds in social media. It benefits both readers and writers (those who are responsible for the content creation process). What is even more interesting, that content marketing holds the key position in business growth on the current market with an overabundance of supply. Thereby, you are more likely to attract a target audience with punchy stories and articles than direct aggressive advertising.  Let's dive deeper into this topic to grasp the idea of how to create good content.

Determine your audience

Targeted content is a bit different from the general meaning of content as it is created to call a specific group of people to action. If you intend to attract more readers to your blog or social media posts, you have to determine who do you target in the first place. Audience analysis is a top priority for a good marketing professional, as individuals with their own needs, values and preferences buy your products or use your service. If you conduct a simple experiment placing a stall with your goods and watch it for a day, you will notice that people who have similarities express interest. What is even more obvious, those who buy have similar preferences and "pains". The same goes with the text, which you should cater to personas. Details have an incredible meaning here, such as age, sex, education level, interests, social status, GEOs, hobbies. Once you know who your client is, you can move to the next step.

Draw a mindmap of the customer's journey

The customer journey map is a representation of all stages which your client goes through, starting from the Awareness and Consideration, continuing with Acquisition and Service, and finishing with Loyal Interaction. Start from the endand move backward to get the most detailed path. You will know what content to provide at each of these stages and how to target prospects.

Personalize the delivered message

As targeted content is unique and tailored to call a specific group to action, it has to be personalized. There are two significant roles of the content: to foster comparison with other market players and encourage a sale. The needed text will be different. If you want to let the freak flag of your business fly, it is relevant to describe services with strengthening words and anchors. If you want to close the deal, then you have to use a more personalized message to meet the needs of your potential buyer. It seems crazy, but you are not alone in this digital ocean, as lots of spelling and grammar checking tools offer help with targeted content.

Watch content analysis metrics

As content is a key tool for marketing, there are dozens of good outreach platforms to help you manage your content calendar and track key metrics, such as CTR, shares, time spent on page, traffic. You may consider using Google Analytics. You will know what works better for your business and whether your audience is different from your initial researches. Good content creation is a time-consuming process, but when you know whom to attract and what is the value of your message, its creation becomes much easier and faster. 

About the Author: Bailey Belmont is a digital marketing specialist at Write My Essay Today , blog writer and massive coffee imbiber.  A true marketing guru, she shares ideas, thereby helping influential companies reach their strategic objectives.