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How To Improve Your Customer Satisfaction Surveys

As a business leader, you must ensure that your company isn’t only influenced from within. Diverse data provides you with more valuable insights. This is where utilizing customer satisfaction surveys can make a difference.

A significant hurdle to gaining data is ensuring customers want to provide you with it. Yes, some incentives such as discounts or gifts can work. Nevertheless, you’ll find the most effective outcomes arise from a well-designed survey. 

We’re going to explore a few ways you can improve your customer satisfaction surveys. 

Provide Clarity

One of the elements that tend to immediately discourage consumers from engaging is unclear materials. It’s important from the outset to provide a sense of clarity and simplicity whenever you conduct a survey.

You must provide clarity with regard to the intention of the survey. Issuing a generalized questionnaire without a clear goal may be less likely to attract engagement. Rather, it should be obvious what the survey is assessing and how this can help make for a better customer experience. This should be evident both in your pre-survey communications and in the questions themselves.

You should also provide clarity in respect of how the questions should be answered. If your consumers aren’t clear about how they are supposed to engage, they’re likely to get frustrated relatively quickly. Therefore, you need to utilize straightforward language and closed questions wherever possible.

Design Mindfully

When improving your customer satisfaction survey, you must keep in mind that humans will be using it. You might be analyzing the data with software, but a survey is a tool for customers to interact with. To get the most out of it, you must design while being mindful of how consumers can engage conveniently, effectively, and honestly.

The surveys issued in the healthcare industry are a good example of this, and the principles can apply to any business. Patient surveys must be designed to gain high-quality feedback and take a minimum of time. Keeping the survey design short ensures consumers are not overwhelmed by questions. Including multiple-choice questions makes it easy for people to answer and also for your team to analyze.

Another key point of focus for mindful design is how the survey will be delivered to your customers. Requesting they complete it on your brick-and-mortar premises may seem disruptive to the rest of their day or they might answer hurriedly. If you send the survey by email or through your mobile application, they can complete it at their convenience. They may also dedicate more time and thought to their answers. 

Use the Data

When you’re planning your customer satisfaction survey, it’s important not to just consider the questionnaire itself. You need to approach the project as a process that includes the steps for progressing with the data afterward. This isn’t just so you can make the most of the data, but it also tends to improve engagement. After all, consumers don’t want to answer what they consider to be useless questions that have no real impact.

Many businesses find this challenging, as the idea of identifying key insights from huge volumes of data can be overwhelming. Overcoming this data analysis paralysis involves adopting practices such as distilling focus, which is the act of pinpointing the most relevant data points to search for. At the same time, your team needs to be flexible enough to spot valuable nuances in the data. This approach allows you to demonstrate to your consumers that their contributions are actionable and meaningful.  

When you issue surveys, make sure to communicate what the next steps of your analysis will be. Set expectations for how their feedback will be used to make improvements. From here, provide updates on the results of the survey and offer solutions for the challenges highlighted


Encouraging customers to engage with your satisfaction surveys can be a difficult task. Make sure consumers have clarity throughout the process, from the intentions of the survey to the questions being asked. Design the survey to be easy and convenient to use. It’s also vital to provide assurance and evidence that the data customers provide is used effectively. With some focus and planning, you’ll find your customer satisfaction surveys connect with your consumers and attract valuable insights.