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How to Put Employee Stories at the Center of Your Employer Brand

At Ragan’s Future of Communications Conference, comms pros weighed in on how they highlight their employee experiences.

Sean Devlin

When trying to highlight the best parts of your company, the best way to tell your organization’s story is to focus on the employees who live your culture every day. At Ragan’s Future of Communications Conference, we were lucky enough to hear from three comms pros on how they find the best employee stories within their companies.

Who should you highlight?

When you’re thinking about who to showcase when you’re telling the story of your employee experience, it’s important to think about how your company values are reflected through your workers. Consider your employees as external voices of your organization’s values and missions.

“We’re a values-driven company,” said Amanda Coffee, director, global corporate communications at PayPal. “When we want to discuss and bring those values to life, we try to leverage our employees as spokespeople. We curate our employee case studies by looking at our values and reviewing what powerful employee stories we have on hand that map to those values and undertake a matchmaking process based on media trends.”

Your most enthusiastic employees are also likely to paint a vibrant picture of your company.“It’s really important to have those employee testimonials,” said Michael Diaz, omnichannel content lead at Merck Animal Health. “Studies have shown employee testimonials have a three-fold greater impact than those from outsiders. What we’re looking for are people that are passionate about the company and espouse our core values.”Continue reading here...