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How to See ROI in Your Content Marketing Efforts

Jennifer Hetherington, Senior Vice President of Marketing, TSheets.comWe all know the web is oversaturated with content. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to write anything of value. Answering the reader’s question is one thing — one very important thing — but is your content providing the best information? And more importantly, do you know why you’re providing it?The reason some pieces of content do well while others fall flat: Your endgame.You’d be surprised by how often writers create content without a clear purpose and endgame in mind. As Zig Zigler would say, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” And it’s true.Even in these content-rich days where information is literally buzzing all around you, the only marketers who write successful content are those who identify their “why.”So before you sit down to write, it’s vital to start by asking yourself what your goals are and what you want your content to achieve. Here are a few perfect examples of endgames you can keep in mind for ultra-promotable content that wins over audiences and converts.EducateCustomers may not be aware of their pain points or know they need your product or service until you educate them. If they were aware that you could save them time, save them money, or make their lives easier, your audience will be more interested in engaging with your content. Give them the data, show them the research, and let them discover their pain point for themselves.Attract new customersThe law of attraction is really the power of positivity. To attract new customers, you have to find a positive, entertaining, beautiful way to communicate how you can help them with a challenge. Creatively displaying features and making the reader sincerely interested in your product or service on an emotional level means writing a piece about the ease of using your product or a case study about a happy customer.Stay engaged with existing customersIf your audience consists of existing customers, your endgame might be to keep them on board. This could involve content like social media posts, personalized newsletters, emails, and relevant updates about your business and its landscape. Strike up a conversation on social media by raising a question or taking a stance that will make your customers eager to add their two cents.Increase brand awarenessIf you’ve got a great product and brand, but need to add a little more awareness in your community and beyond, think of content strategies that will encourage your reader to identify your brand. When they see your brand online, it’s important to give them something positive to associate it with. Did you win an award? Write up a press release. Do you represent your company by participating in community outreach projects? Write about what you’ve learned or the people you’ve met.Encourage inbound linksIf you’re looking for inbound links, promote content to sites that will draw customers to your website via shared audiences. Send articles of interest to related publications and ask them kindly to include a link to your company. If both parties can benefit from great content or information, it’s a win-win. They get a piece of content that can educate their audience, and you get some inbound traffic to your site.You may have multiple goals and that’s okFor example, one of my content team’s recent articles discussed changing legislation in Arizona concerning sick leave. The article wasn’t just educational, but it touched on a major pain point for our customers and it was highly shareable. It gave our readers something to engage with as they learned about a solution.Your endgame will drive everything you do, as you imagine and produce new content. Once you’ve decided on the purpose of your content, keep it in mind as you consider your audience and topics. And discuss your ideal endgame with your team to ensure everyone is aligned and on the same page.Trust me, your goals will be easier to attain once you’ve reached a solid “why” for every single piece you put out into the busy world of information and content. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the impact it can have on your ROI.[author]About the Author: Jennifer Hetherington is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for, but she’s known as “Wonder Woman” to her team. Jennifer is an innovative leader with more than 15 years of experience in marketing, a heart for helping people, and a track record for developing high-performance teams. She works in Boise, Idaho.[/author]