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How to Write a GREAT Press Release

EIN Presswire

First off, you have to have to have something to say that of interest.  We often think we’re writing for the masses, when really the goal is to reach appropriate key audiences – whether it be journalists, the general public, consumers, decision-makers, influencers – or all of the above.  But there are certain elements of a press release that should be kept in mind as you write it that will make your news more engaging, readable AND more likely to be reported on, followed, and shared – and that goes for any medium.

  • Write a compelling headline. For Google and search, it’s important to have key words included in the first 60 characters.

  • Get to the point in the first paragraph. Pique readers’ interest there and they’ll keep reading.

  • Make your news engaging by focusing on the story and what’s of interest. Cite facts and be authentic.  Keep fluff to a minimum and stay away from using words like “proud or pleased” as in “We’re proud to announce… “

  • If you’re citing lots of facts or number, consider using bullet points.

  • Use quotes of your organization’s CEO or experts (creates a bit of personal engagement) and journalists use them.

  • Add video, images, and if nothing else, always include a logo to create a visually compelling release. Plain text-only press releases can lose reader interest.

  • Try to keep your news release between 400 and 700 words. A longer press release doesn’t create greater interest. It’s about providing better information, not just more of it.

  • Include links to your website or to additional information in case the reader wants to know more. This also helps keep your news release short, sweet and to the point.

  • Add a “boilerplate” (about the organization) at the bottom of the release, but make it short or even provide a link from your website.

  • Always include contact information.

  • Include social media sharing functions in your news release, but also know that EIN Presswire incorporates easy-to-share social media chicklets atop your news release. Click and share out.

  • Read and re-read your news release for grammar and spelling AND always ask someone else to proof it before distribution. No one wants to have to go back to issue a correction.

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