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Howard J. Rubenstein - Remembering A Public Relations Legend

Howard J. Rubenstein, PR industry legend with a career spanning more than 60 years, passed away Tuesday.  Howard, known as the "godfather of NYC PR" was 88-years-old.  From advising governors and mayors, to counseling cultural institutions, to founding and supporting civic and philanthropic organizations, Howard  always had a passion for making New York City a better place to live, work, and visit.His son Steven, president of the agency his father founded in 1954 announced his passing:"It is with great sadness that we announce that my father passed away today after 88 years of what can only be described as a big, full life. He died at home, in peace and in no pain, with my mother Amy by his side – and the rest of us not far behind. My father loved his family, his work, this agency, our city, and of course, the New York Yankees. While I loved so much about him, what made him truly special was how he embraced the world with vigor, confidence, and optimism for what lay ahead. No matter how challenging the circumstances, his commitment to his family, the people he worked with, the tumult of the job, being part of a big story, and being part of helping our city were always on full display."CommPRO reached out to PR industry colleagues to share their remembrances of Howard.  

Howard Rubenstein was one of my mentors.  He taught me a lot about public relations.  When I was president of PRSA-NY I came up with the idea of having keynote speakers for the Big Apple Awards.  He helped me attract such speakers as Mike Wallace, Al Roker and Dan Rather.  He was proud of his relationship with George Steinbrenner and the New York Yankees.  Whenever I was in his office he would show me photos of him, Steinbrenner and some of the Yankee players. 

I didn’t mind at all because I became a Yankee fan when I was nine years old.  Howard was always proud of his accomplishments as he had every right to be.  He was always honest and straightforward.  He always encouraged me to do good work for clients and constantly reminded me that doing this would lead to new and more clients.  I took his advice very seriously.  Rest in peace, Howard.

Art Stevens, Managing Partner, The Stevens Group

I enjoyed my conversations with Howard! He influenced the technology PR crowd as we treated the entrepreneurs and CEO’s like celebrities! A true legend he also recommended Hollywood agencies to buy in the late 90’s which we did. Rest In Peace Howard. 

Larry Weber, Chairman & CEO, Racepoint Global

While my agency rarely competed with The Rubenstein agency, Howard was  definitely the godfather of PR in New York, one of a kind and a titan in the industry.

Alan Taylor, Founder, Alan Taylor Communications

Howard was a brilliant advocate for his clients. He stood alongside Rupert Murdock and George Steinbrenner as they emerged as powerhouses in NYC. His media contacts were unmatched. He was the giant of our industry for four decades. He passed his firm along to a worthy successor in his son Steven who upholds the family tradition of excellence and decency.

Richard Edelman, Chief Executive Officer of Edelman 

Howard Rubenstein was an honorable man, a credit to our profession, a good husband, a loving father and a true mensch. Few operating today in PR have his deep connections, his deft touch and his intuitive understanding of what is needed and how to make it happen. There is a void that will not soon be filled.

Howard Bragman, LaBrea.Media

Other than having almost worked there (instead opting to join the nascent Cohn & Wolfe after leaving H&K), I will always remember tag-teaming with Howard's folks to help promote the New Year's Eve ball drop in Times Square for the 2000 Millennium.  Our shared client was the Times Square Business Improvement District (BID).  Since HJR was the go-to agency for all things New York City, our (Burson-Marsteller's) role was simply to ensure that the video footage the BID captured of this hyperbolic event made it into newscasts across Europe, LatAm, and Asia, in real-time. HJR did everything else. The footage did in fact go global and we were retained for the next New Year's.   Looking back, one can understand how the Rubenstein brand lands on every high profile client's agency list, especially for the big NYC real estate families. In their father, sons Steven and Richard have been left an incredible legacy. 

Peter Himler, Flatiron Communications, LLC

I had the honor of meeting Mr. Rubenstein after receiving a kind personal note from him regarding the success of my latest book. I immediately called him and he invited me to my office when I was traveling to New York City.  I spent an enjoyable and memorable hour in his office and we talked about all kinds of things from work to life for people and beyond.  He was a graceful man, not a word often used today. Grace is that dignified elegance about a person's appearance, movement, personal style, or behavior. To be grateful is to be strong and assured in who one is and to move gently within that energy. One did not need to be Freud or Einstein to figure out that Mr. Rubenstein was an exceptional man and will be missed by all in our industry.

Michael Levine, Author & Media Expert

We welcome you to share your remembrances of Howard.