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‘In A Car with IPR!’ Featuring Marcia Distaso, University of Florida

In A Car with IPR is a new video series by the Institute for Public Relations where we get to know some of the leaders in the public relations industry. We find out what makes them tick, talk to them about research, and ask them to look into their crystal ball to see what’s in store for the industry.In the fifth episode of “In A Car with IPR,” we head to Gainesville, Florida home to the University of Florida. We meet up with Marcia DiStaso, Ph.D., IPR Trustee and University of Florida’s PR Department Chair and Associate Professor. Join Marcia and IPR President & CEO Tina McCorkindale, as they take us on a golf cart tour of the campus while discussing the latest research from the IPR Digital Media Research Center, the future of work, cybersecurity and more!