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Job Seekers: How They Search & What Influences Them

jobsearchTo help employers understand the job seeker, Indeed conducted two talent studies in the US.  Over 8,000 adults were surveyed to find out how they searched for jobs and what influenced their decisions.  Indeed also surveyed 1,000 talent professionals to get their perspectives and looked at their own data to uncover some compelling insights about how often people search for jobs.  In today's job market, this survey offers great insight.The first findings were about career decision-making:1.  Career decisions are among the most stressful life decisions.2.  Most people are resistant to career change.3.  Career changes are major life events.  The are high stress, potential benefits are underestimated, making the change is hard work and we overestimate the change of failure.4.  People feel better about decisions they fully control.  Candidates want to look at other opportunities before accepting a job and they believe they will be more successful if they found the job themselves.What inspires people to make a career change?1.  21% are inspired when they see a post about an interesting job or company.2.  20% when they feel dissatisfied with their current job.3.  19% when they feel discouraged about their current job situation.4.  17% when they feel stressed about money5.  And 8% when they are not recognized or an accomplishment at work.Indeed found that the old statistics showing that 80% of candidates are passive and 20% active to no longer true.  Their research shows at 71% are either actively looking or open to a new job and 67% of those people are currently employed and that 90% of candidates hired within the past year took an action to find a job with the six months prior to being hired and that 10% didn't actively look for a job in the preceding six months.Times are a-changing!