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Keep it Real: How to Build an Authentic Brand

Build an Authentic BrandBringing a product to market takes a lot of work. However, when customers are exploring different options for purchase, it’s not necessarily the product description or specifications you toiled over that will make or break their decision.In narrowing down which company they’re going to hand their money to, your audience goes through an authentication process. They research who you are, the solutions you offer, the values you represent, and the opinions that others share about you – and they do the same with your competitors.With so many social, digital, and traditional media channels informing your audience’s research, product marketing that is disingenuous and uninspiring will fall flat.Successful products come from being authentic, and authenticity comes from ingraining the following four qualities into your product development, deployment, and marketing.CredibleWhen a brand is the originator of an idea, technology, or service in its market, they have the ability to define what it means to be that product’s gold standard.“There’s only one iPod,” says Tim Griffin, Vice President, Distribution and Multimedia at PR Newswire.Having an idea isn’t enough to establish credibility, though.“Brands shouldn’t put anything into their market that they can’t authentically deliver on,” he says.When considering products you want to introduce to existing or new clients, make sure you have the expertise, experience, and context needed to follow through on their development.


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