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Leadership During COVID-19 – Perspective from Ken Jacobs, Communications Industry Executive Coach (VIDEO)

Communications industry coach Ken Jacobs shares perspective on leading during the pandemic, in the latest of our 3-minute Communicators-to-Communicators videos. Principal of Jacobs Consulting & Executive Coaching, Jacobs is a CommunicationsMatch™ partner. 

 In response to the question: What does it take to be a successful leader during the pandemic and has this changed? he notes that leadership values that got us through previous crises remain as relevant as ever.Courage, confidence, and optimism remain important leadership traits which, when combined with empathy, demonstrated by listening to employees, shows understanding of what they are going through.When asked, How do you manage when you don't know what is going to happen next? Jacobs underscored the importance of transparency and the willingness to be honest and open, which may well mean saying “I don't know." Letting go and accepting uncertainty is also important – a theme of my recent article Embracing Uncertainty – as is recognizing the opportunity to strengthen bonds with clients and teams.Looking after yourself, eating well, getting (socially distanced) exercise, and meditation are all important things Jacobs noted when asked, What do great leaders do to help them make the best possible decisions? "You've got to have a clear mind, so you can see all the choices in front of you."Click here to watch the video: Leadership during COVID-19.