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Make Every Tweet Count

Make Every Tweet CountJill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy

Now that you can tweet more characters on twitter there's more room to create great content. The number of characters isn’t as important as making sure every tweet makes a meaningful contribution to your digital strategy. Make every tweet count.On average, around 8,000 tweets are tweeted every second. That’s a lot of clutter for you to break through. Just throwing tweets into the stream won’t help. You have to write things that capture attention.

Twitter Writing Strategy

Know your goal for being on twitter. Are you trying to establish expertise? Create brand awareness? Promote an event? Every tweet needs to contribute to reaching that goal.Write about things that matter to your target audience. And write in a way that will resonate with them.I write my tweets in batches. I remind myself of my goal and who I want to reach. Then, I write things that matter.Keep in mind that on Twitter you need to cover the same information several times to increase your chances of being seen. Don’t post the exact tweet again and again – make tweaks so that each is unique even if the underlying message is the same.

Twitter Tools to Help


Hootsuite lets you schedule posts in advance. You can write in batches and release the posts over time. You can set how many posts you want to make in a day and Hootsuite will automatically pace them over time.Hootsuite also has a built-in URL shortener. If you use it, then you also get great data on the number of clicks on your URLs. That’s great insight to help you write your next batch of tweets.


DrumUp also lets you schedule your tweets. It has a strong library feature that lets you organize the URLs you are promoting into different folders for easier reuse in the future. There is also an online editor to upload images, find animated GIFs and select emojis to make your tweets eye-catching.


Serpstat is an excellent SEO platform and a great writing tool. Related keywords identifies related search terms using Google search engine result pages (SERPs). This gives you great ideas for alternative ways to word the same thing. The Search Questions feature is another great way to help in wording engaging tweets.

Coschedule Social Message Optimizer

Coschedule Social Media Optimizer offers tips and resources to let you create better social media updates. The tool will suggest improvements and save the history of your tweets as you refine them.