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"Marilyn: A Woman in Charge" Book Launch Party

Free Virtual Event: On-Demand Video

Hosted by The Museum of Public Relations

  Join us as we celebrate the launch of "Marilyn: A Woman in Charge," in hardcover, softcover and e-book. This biography of Marilyn Laurie-- written by Dick Martin, Laurie's successor at AT&T -- chronicles the remarkable life and career of the nation's first woman CCO.  During the celebration, hosted by Deirdre Breakenridge, Martin will talk about different sections of the book, covering Laurie's childhood in the Bronx, her co-founding of Earth Day, and her unprecedented rise at AT&T, then the world's largest company. You'll also hear from many of the book's early reviewers, who will talk about how the book-- and Laurie herself-- impacted their own lives and careers.