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Marketing Basics on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional social media platform that provides a valuable opportunity for businesses to reach and engage with potential customers. With almost 900 million users, it’s a platform that companies shouldn't overlook. There are a few different ways companies can effectively market themselves on the social media platform.

Company Page

The first step to marketing a business on LinkedIn is to create a Company Page. This page provides a platform for the company to showcase its products and services and engage with its audience. By creating a Company Page, companies get to build a strong online presence and increase their brand visibility on the platform.

Posting Consistency

Posting regularly on the Company Page is essential. This is the best way that companies can keep their audience engaged and informed about the business. It involves sharing interesting and relevant content that showcases the company's products and services. This includes information such as company updates, industry news, and success stories. Companies should aim to post at least once a week and encourage employees to share the company's posts with their own networks too. Encouraging the employees to be active on LinkedIn is a great way to extend the company's reach on the platform. By encouraging them to post about the business, share the company's content, and participate in industry discussions, companies can increase their visibility and reach a wider audience.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn offers a range of advertising options. Each one of them can help companies reach and engage with their target audience. From sponsored content to display ads, LinkedIn Ads can be highly targeted and effective in reaching potential customers. By utilizing LinkedIn Ads, companies can increase their visibility and drive traffic to their Company Page.

Industry Discussions

Participating in industry discussions on LinkedIn is a great way to build up a brand. Establishing the business as an industry thought leader can be achieved this way too. When a company starts sharing its expertise, it can engage with its audience. It can also position the business as a knowledgeable and trustworthy resource.

LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups are communities of professionals with common interests. Companies should be participating in groups related to the company's industry. This strategy allows businesses to build relationships with potential customers. Companies can also share their expertise, and position the business as a valuable resource.

Partner with Influencers

Partnering with influencers on LinkedIn can be a very effective way to reach a wider audience. Influencer campaigns can also increase the company's visibility. In fact, companies that partner with influencers can reach new potential customers. They also get to build relationships with thought leaders in their industry or niche.

LinkedIn Live

LinkedIn Live is a live streaming platform that allows companies to engage with the target audience in real time. Companies using LinkedIn Live can share company updates. They also get to host Q&A sessions and participate in industry discussions in real time.