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Media Relations -10 Tips for More Earned Media

Media Relations -10 Tips for More Earned MediaA lot has changed since Herbert Muschel launched PR Newswire in 1954, but one thing hasn’t: The press is still a fundamental element of our society.From mainstream media with newsrooms spread around the globe to niche publications with smaller but equally passionate staffs, today’s news outlets provide decision-driving information that reaches a diverse audience.And as the use cases in our multichannel strategy guide show, a mix of media channels – determined by your content and the audiences you’re trying to reach – is key to achieving your communications goals.Familiarizing yourself with the needs of the media will make your news stand out in the crowd for the right reasons. While preferences may vary from media point to point, there are a handful of traits and tips your media relations should always follow.CredibleA communicator’s credibility is the bedrock of their relationship with news organizations. The journalists you work with need to know and trust that you have the expertise, experience and perspective to add to their story. What you say and how you say it can make or break that credibility.

  • Know your standards: AP News Values and other codes of ethics. Learn them. Love them. Live them.
  • Be transparent: State your objective and sources early on, and provide links that direct readers to useful information. This helps with both verification and reader engagement.
  • Be consistent: Establish a consistent presence in the eyes of the press by using a regular cadence of press releases, social media and other media outreach tactics.
  • Keep learning: Guidelines change. It’s important to not only stay current with PR and marketing best practices, but also journalism best practices. For instance, follow #APStyleChat on Twitter or Storify to keep your content up-to-date with the style rules many journalists follow.


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