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(2015 Top Report) Why Metrics Are the Key to Getting a Seat at the Revenue Table (DOWNLOAD)

WhyMetrics_FacebookPromoWhile PR has historically been a tactic for delivering reputation and mindshare through earned media, today it has also become a way to reach consumers directly. In fact, it has morphed into an essential tool for driving the traffic, leads, and conversions necessary to fill your clients’ pipeline and ultimately generate revenue.PR drives traffic, traffic creates leads, leads become pipeline, and pipeline becomes revenue. This paper offers advice on how to get a seat at the revenue table, so that PR moves more towards the top of the strategy discussion instead of simply being tactical.Why Metrics Are the Key to Getting a Seat at the Revenue Table discusses:

  • Laying the groundwork client discussions on PR’s direct impact on revenue
  • How reporting can make the case for PR’s driving leads, conversion and revenue


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