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The Growing Need of Mobile Threat Defense (INFOGRAPHIC)

Sonali Datta, Scalefusion

Mobile devices have tip-toed into our day-to-day lives as a form of convenience and entertainment and now have made a permanent, indispensable place for themselves in our personal as well as professional lives. Enterprises who haven’t yet adopted mobile devices for business optimization and using conventional means of operation are practically losing it to their competitors who have embraced mobile technology for streamlining its processes, employee efficiency and customer experience.
One of the biggest concerns for adopting mobile technology in a conventionally operating enterprise is data security. Mobile devices and their notoriously infamous susceptibility for exposing critical security data via unauthorized apps prevents enterprises from adopting mobility and rightly so.Mobile threat defense- MTD helps enterprises in overcoming these security concerns while improving the overall security profile. We’ve consolidated interesting facts and stats about MTD that can help enterprises make the right decision while embracing mobility. 

Mobile Threat Defense Infographic[Infographic] The Growing Need of Mobile Threat Defense by Scalefusion Kiosk Solutions

About the Author: Sonali brings over 10 years of practical experience in analyzing, exploring and writing for IT, enterprise software, IT security, startup tips, business strategy, technological innovations, enterprise mobility, digital technologies, and business sustainability. With an extensive background of working with global IT and software companies, she maintains a customer-centric, value-driven and problem-solving approach in her write-ups and she is currently working for Scalefusion.