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Mr. Magazine™ Releases December Magazine Launches – 66 New Titles

All wrapped up with shiny bows and pretty paper, the Holiday Season is always a blessed and wonderful time for all of us, and this year was no exception for Mr. Magazine™ or the bevy of beautiful new magazines that hit newsstands. A total of 66 new launches made their holiday debut, with 23 of those titles promising us the gift of regular frequency. From a beautiful new quarterly about the music that is Blues, to theme-related Dot-To-Dot adult coloring books that promise hours of entertainment fun; December had a wonderfully eclectic blend of titles that surely made the hardest to buy for an easy task.So, I hope that you enjoy our beautiful new launch covers for the month of December and are as excited about the upcoming 2017 magazine New Year as I am.

Up first, our frequency titles:


And now our specials, annuals and bookazines:
