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Need a Free PR Evaluation Framework?

Free PR Evaluation Tools are Important

Let’s face it. In an industry full of flashy, expensive tools and small budgets, there is a big need for free tools that can truly aid the public relations professional.Out of all the free resources available to public relations professionals across the internet, one of the best is AMEC’s Integrated Evaluation Framework. Prepared by the world's greatest evaluation minds, The Framework might not be a reporting platform full of analytics and flashy charts, and that’s because it’s designed to be a road-map for evaluating your public relations effort.This newly developed tool was designed to help PR pros more easily understand the measurement process - providing a clear measurement journey from initial planning to implementation, setting smart goals which will yield success.The AMEC Integrated Evaluation Framework for PR MeasurementPublic relations professionals seek free tools and resources to help guide client strategy or organizational strategy. But rarely are these tools used properly. If used properly the Integrated Evaluation Framework can be a valuable resource at the beginning stages of each PR project or campaign.At Universal Information Services, we have implemented this Integrated Evaluation Framework into our everyday communication and planning for our PR evaluation clients, particularly during the on-boarding process for new business or at the start of an important new campaign for an existing client.

Why The Framework Works Well

  1. Organization. Who doesn’t like to be organized? The framework makes it incredibly easy. Each of the 7 steps has its own blocked section on the interface, making it so you can clearly identify each step of the communications process.

  2. This framework makes the measurement process easy. If, and when, you use this resource, there are “information” buttons next to each phase of the framework that will help you understand what is required for the corresponding phase. The information provided will take you step by step through your own campaign and organize all aspects of the PESO model (paid, earned, shared, and owned media) you included in your campaign.

  3. The framework forces communicators to move past thinking about outputs in a silo and demands that communicators prove bottom line business impact. Richard Bagnall, one of the top minds behind the framework states: “We must move from basic output counting alone to proving the value of our efforts by looking at the outtakes and outcomes that derived from our work.” Couldn’t have said it any better myself, Richard. Cheers!

  4. This framework is backed by the  International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication, Ketchum, Prime Research, and Universal Information Services. We are all using and advocating this framework for better PR evaluation standards. With the aforementioned companies using The Framework I would suggest you follow their lead!

In addition to being free, the framework interface that lives on now allows you to save your campaigns and work, so you can login and access your existing work. Check it out here!I’d be interested to hear your thoughts about the Integrated Framework and how you think your organization or clients would benefit from using it. Of course, you can always Tweet me your thoughts at @austinomaha.Austin Gaule PR Measurement Director Universal Information Services  Austin Gaule, PR Measurement Director at Universal Information Services, an AMEC member