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Need Help: Ways To Ask For It At Work

Need Help - Ways To Ask For It At WorkMarie Raperto, The Hiring HubNeed help? Everyone needs help at some point but most are probably scared to ask.  While senior management expect juniors to ask, they don't always create a welcoming environment.  Are you too senior to think you need help?  Here are some rules to follow before asking for help.

  1.  Know when to ask.  First, try to solve the problem.  If you are still stuck, be prepared.  Explain the problem you are having along with what you've done to try to solve it.
  2. Try to avoid the issue.  When you get a  new project, try to ask all the questions up front -- what needs to be done first, when is it due, in what form should this be done.  If you are new to a company, department or client, ask if there is someone there with additional information.
  3. Find the right person.  Your boss might not be the best person to ask.  Perhaps it's a co-worker, mentor or another individual in the company.  Ultimately, your boss may be the person to direct you.  Just remember to think the ask through, so he/she knows you've done your homework and can direct you.

Most importantly, remember everyone needs help at some point.  Help others as you would want to be helped.