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New Year, New Environment: 10 Ways To ReOrganize At Work

It's a new year so why not have a new environment?  Reorganizing can give you a new outlook, help you to reach your goals or just make you feel better.  After all, clutter makes it difficult to focus on tasks.  So try these 10 tips for reorganizing at work:

  1.  Start off fresh.  Make sure you are well rested and in a good mood before you tackle reorganizing.  Getting enough sleep every night should also be a goal.  It's hard to focus at work when you are tired.

  2. Make a plan.  What are your personal as well as work goals.  Knowing what you want to accomplish will help you figure out what needs to be done.

  3.  Calling 1-800 junk.  Toss/File/To-Do,  that's your mantra.  Toss out what you don't need, file what you want to keep (but just one copy) and prioritize what you need to do.

  4.  File, file and file.  Organize in a way that makes sense for you. Does it belong in a file drawer in your office, in the storage room or on the cloud.

  5.  Your To-Do stuff.  What's the best way for you to handle this?  Individual file folders, a white board, a master list?  Remember, when you are finished with a product, keep what you need and discard the rest.  Then, file or store it.

  6.  Have a clean desk.  It's nice to keep mementos on your desk but they do get in the way.  Keep your desk as clutter free as possible so you can deal with the paperwork efficiently.

  7.  Technology clutter.  Get rid of old emails.  Use online organizers for your calendar, addresses, to-do lists etc. as much as possible.  Don't forget to store or delete old files.  Your IT people will love you for this.

  8.  Furniture.  Moving furniture or changing the orientation of your work area can make a big impact on you and those you work with.

  9.  Clean and clean.  Don't rely on the cleaning company.  Move items so you can clean under them.  Don't forget desk drawers either.

  10.  Systems.  Once you have cleared the trash and rethink how you get things done. Small changes can make a big difference.

Happy Organizing!