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Optimize Your Website for Voice Search

Jill Kurtz

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy

The number of web searches that are done by voice continues to rise. Optimizing your website for these types of searches isn’t hard.

Here are the factors to consider as you optimize your website for the growing trend of voice search.

Question-Based Content

People ask questions when they do voice searches. Your site needs to ask and answer the most common questions. You can beef up your FAQ page or sprinkle these throughout your content. The important thing is to include the phrases most often asked and have a clear answer to those questions.

Be Local

By default, search engines assume that people doing searches on their phones are looking for local results. If yours is a local business, be sure to make that clear. Mention location and places that make it clear where you are and who you serve.

Embrace Mobile

Make sure your site is easy to use on mobile once a voice searcher arrives there. Keep navigation and other clicks to a minimum. Make text easy to scan. Group all related content together on a scrollable page.

Don’t Panic!

The rise of voice search isn’t a reason to scrap your website. Don’t hire anyone just for voice search. This is really just the latest iteration of making sure your site serves the needs of your target customer. You may need to tweak to evolve your site, but the effort will likely benefit all of your visitors.