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A Message from Peter Finn - #StopAsianHate

A statement from Peter Finn on the recent, horrific events in Atlanta, Georgia. #StopAsianHate

The recent murders in Atlanta mark a trajectory of rising hate and intolerance that, in its senseless depravity, should serve as a wake-up call for us all.

The targeted and hate-fueled events that occurred in Atlanta serve as a flashpoint for what’s been occurring for a long time, but seems to be growing worse in recent months – an uptick in violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States.

This culture of hate must not be tolerated, as it runs counter to our values that bind us together as a society. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are our neighbors, our colleagues, our friends – more importantly, they’re people.

It’s incumbent upon all of us to stamp out racial discrimination in all of its forms; in particular, violence motivated by racism must not be tolerated.

At Finn Partners, one of our core values is an unwavering commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Finn Partners stands in solidarity with AAPI communities everywhere – we call upon our network to utilize their platforms of influence to speak up and educate those around them to help stamp out racism and discrimination in all of its forms.

We’ve already committed to adding the Asian Law Caucus’ Asian Americans Advancing Justice initiative, as well as Enough Is Enough, a leading grassroots organization focused on combating hate crimes against AAPI communities, to our list of 20+ racial justice organizations to whom we make matching employee donations to on a regular basis.

Let’s work together to make the world a better, kinder, more inclusive place.
