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Peter Shankman Launches HERO To Reinvent the Journalists and Sources connection

In 2008, entrepreneur Peter Shankman revolutionized the media landscape with the creation of Help A Reporter Out (HARO), which started as a Facebook group. Shankman's brainchild quickly blossomed into a vital resource for journalists seeking expert insights, boasting a mailing list that united over 800,000 sources with 55,000 journalists and bloggers. The platform facilitated seamless connections between reporters and knowledgeable individuals, fostering storytelling across various domains. In June 2010, HARO was acquired by Vocus, Inc. 

Now, over a decade later, Shankman is starting a new venture, HERO, aimed at continuing and expanding upon the mission of facilitating journalist-source connections in an evolving media landscape.

This week, Help Every Reporter Out - HERO - was born. With a nod to its predecessor, HERO’s mission is to connect journalists with sources seamlessly, just as HARO had done before. A daily email, free of charge, packed with queries from journalists worldwide, awaited subscribers each morning.

Shankman's only request? Spread the word. Tell friends. Share the link. The more participants, the richer the resource for everyone involved.

But HERO isn’t simply a revival; it is an evolution. Shankman envisioned possibilities that were previously out of reach. Better tracking, AI integration - the potential for growth seemed boundless.

The response to Shankman’s launch of HERO has been immediate and overwhelming. Within hours, ten thousand plus members have signed up, and media queries flooded in, surpassing all expectations. In the first 24-hours, Shankman has received over 40 queries from includes ones from Kiplinger's, The Washington Post, Prevention Magazine, and US News & World Report. 

As Shankman fields inquiries and witnesses the enthusiastic response, he realizes that sometimes, going back to basics is the most innovative move of all. And with HERO, he has done just that - reigniting the flame of collaboration and opportunity for journalists and sources around the globe.

We are excited about what is to come from HERO!