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PR News’ Snapchat Boot Camp (July 12- NYC)


Get current with the possibilities of Snapchat, the platform that rewards communicators who are willing to experiment.

Of the major social platforms, Snapchat stands apart most. It’s ephemeral, it’s informal and it’s improvisational—in other words, it’s harder to “fake it” here than on any other platform.But if you want to reach the more than 60% of U.S. smartphone users 13 to 34 years old who also use Snapchat, you won’t want to miss PR News’ Snapchat Boot Camp on July 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Yale Club in New York City. From basics to advanced tools to strategic looks at real, successful campaigns, our experienced speakers will help you feel at home using the app. Because when you have fun using Snapchat, you won’t need to fake it.