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Preventing The Preventable: Firearm Safety and Liability

The astronomical number of deaths and injuries attributed to accidental gun firings are largely preventable and should be by any means.

A significant percentage, one in four, of gun fatalities are associated with alcohol - a portion larger, accounting for two in four for gun casualties, for those between the ages of 20 and 29-years-old. Among teenage suicides, more than 80% are attributed to unrestricted in-home guns. Due to a decreased probability of parents safely securing firearms, adolescents and teenagers are the most susceptible age group for firearm fatalities.

Safes crafted to store guns are a necessity for those with them, mediating impulses that may end in death and caution that maintains safety. Individuals living in homes with easily accessible firearms have a 300% increased likelihood of committing suicide. Investing in safety by acquiring a firearm safe and adopting a gun liability insurance policy, a new and vital form of insurance can decrease danger chances for you and yours, maintaining the peace that defense weapons hope to provide.

Receiving praise for their recent legislative precedent, the first city to mandate gun liability insurance is San Jose, California. As a result of this January 2022 milestone in firearm safety, Los Angeles is mulling over joining them in enacting an identical law. By reducing premiums for insurees who model sufficient gun safety practices, firearm liability insurance encourages and legitimizes firearm safety with the support of local governments.

Two crucial aspects of gun ownership insurance are commonly covered by homeowner's insurance, while renters have a different set of options. A homeowner policy that covers gun liability protects gun owners from thievery and misplacement, two events that take large tolls on finances, with expensive guns being prime targets. In addition, comprehensive homeowner policies that incorporate gun liability insurance provide protection against virtually all forms of liability, though potential exceptions may arise based on the insurer. Finally, while most homeowner policies cover gun liability, renters also have access to policies that provide less all-encompassing coverage but are still valuable and a necessary precautionary measure.

Guns are often acquired for senses of security, but true peace of mind is at the mercy of gun liability insurance. Many people turn to firearm ownership for protection, but the physical, emotional, and financial costs that may result can be crippling. Those who own firearms can feel confident about defending themselves and those closest to them, without having to face the harsh consequences of action, alone. Insurance policies that provide financial protection, as well as psychological and legal security, not only augment firearm safety, but also help with recuperation from the firing and misfiring of weapons. Consider your choices before you invest and before you take action - maintaining safety as the guiding light that leads each decision.