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Refining Manager Comms on Your Intranet

When used the right way, a company’s intranet can be a destination for employee connection and reinforcing organizational values. But when you break it down a little further, it can also serve as a conduit for managers to build ties to their teams, regardless of location.

By training and preparing managers to champion your intranet, you empower them to remind their reports of policies, procedures, and principles that promote company values in the process.

Driving reach and participation

Managers are the closest touch point many employees have for company announcements, and any good manager knows that sharing information is a big part of the job. But what are managers to do when they’ve got a team that’s either dispersed across a wide geographic area or difficult to pin down all at once? That’s where the intranet comes in handy.

To help managers, communicators should speak to leaders to ensure that the intranet platform is accessible in all places and methods — that means making mobile accessibility a priority. That way, a manager can reach their team in more than one way via the platform.

Johnna Muscente, vice president of communications and public relations at Corcoran, told Ragan that managers should be trained to use interactive features on the intranet platforms that boost team participation.

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