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Remote Work Brief Survey

Wendy Glavin, Founder & CEO, Wendy Glavin Agency

I’m doing research for an article on remote work versus working in-house. While many people have been working remotely for years, others prefer to work in-house.

The global pandemic has already changed how businesses operate and many people prefer telecommuting. In June, Timothy Golden, a Professor of Management said in the New York Times, “Working at-home can improve how employees feel about their jobs. Research shows a powerful correlation between telecommuting and job satisfaction. People tend to prize the greater flexibility in setting their work hours, the additional time with family members, the reduced distractions.”

As we consider how to manage and keep moving forward, how should business leaders proceed? In May, CEO Jack Dorsey said, “ Twitter employees may remain working from home forever,” which includes, Slack employees. Other big tech companies like Facebook, Microsoft and Apple may follow suit.

Here are ten questions for you to answer with a “yes” or “no” response. [gravityform id="274" title="false" description="false"]Thanks for your help!

About the Author: 

Wendy Glavin is Founder and CEO of Wendy Glavin, a NYC full-service agency. Wendy is a 30-year veteran of corporate, agency, consulting and small business ownership. She specializes in B2B2C marketing communications, executive writing, PR and social media advisory. Her website is:

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