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Report: Healthcare Marketers to Focus on Emerging Tech, Audience Segmenting and Impactful Storytelling in 2018 

Five Critical Marketing Strategies Executives Should Implement

The healthcare industry is experiencing a digital evolution. Emerging technologies from telehealth to AI are impacting healthcare delivery and patient engagement and tech start-ups are increasing the competition. Healthcare marketers need to adapt to this new environment and shift their priorities as the space continues to transform. The question is: how do they stay one step ahead as the healthcare industry continues to evolve? 

HEALTHCARE MARKETING 2018Affect, a public relations and social media agency specializing in technology, healthcare and professional services, offers their guide to navigating major trends in healthcare marketing in 2018. The findings are based on insight from a panel of senior healthcare executives from a range of organizations including Illumina, MDxHealth, Pfizer and Phoenix Children’s Hospital. 

According to the marketers we spoke with, the number one thing impacting healthcare marketing and PR heading into 2018 is technology. Other key findings from the report include:

  1. Crystallizing customer segments is more important than ever:  Nearly all marketers we spoke with want to be more targeted, focus on buyer journeys, nurture leads, and work toward very specific goals with their customers. This held true across different kinds of organizations including health insurers, hospitals, diagnostics companies and more, regardless of whether their business was B2B or B2C. 
  2. The marketing mix is shifting to digital: There is a bigger focus on technology enablement, with more social media included in the mix in order to meet the needs of target audiences. Some marketers said social media is now treated as a stand-alone process with its own workflow. While this can lead to a disconnect among marketing, PR and sales, it also encourages more opportunity for audience engagement.
  3. Educating through content is top priority: Creating custom content was key for all marketers. Some panelists said they are using content to create awareness, educate influencers and ultimately increase adoption of products, while for others the goal is simpler – to build up owned content in order to scale back paid media.

For additional details on how tech is impacting the healthcare marketer, as well as the Top 5 Essentials marketers need to leverage to meet evolving priorities in 2018, download the report today.


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