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Resume Mistakes: 7 Mistakes To Avoid

Resume Rules - 2018Marie Raperto, The Hiring HubResume mistakes can cost you a job.  Even in an environment where jobs are plentiful and candidates scarce, mistakes on your resume can get you eliminated from the search.  Hiring managers don't spend more than a minute reviewing resumes so you have to make a great impression in a short time frame.  Here are 7 mistakes to avoid:

  1.  Typos.  Your resume represents who you are.  You don't want someone to think you are sloppy and can't proof read.  It's important to check and recheck your resume every time you send it out.
  2.  Formatting Problems.  You want to show an employer that you are detailed-oriented.  Formatting errors will show that you are not.  Watch out for any inconsistencies in format - using bold for headlines, size of type fonts, spaces between numbers, etc.
  3.  Not Customizing Your Resume.  In today's market, every time you send out your resume, you should be customizing it to the specs mentioned in the ad.  You want to show an employer that you are qualified to fill this particular position.
  4.  Clichés And Overused Words.  Use verbs that are action oriented and make sure not to use the same one twice.  Quotes and clichés will only make the reader roll their eyes.  Keep your resume simple and to the point.
  5.  Tailor Your Summary/Objective.  You make think you have a general summary or objective on the job of your resume.  However, you need to make it fit the job.  Tailoring is everything.
  6.  Too Much/Too Little.  You need to insure that your resume is scannable and easy to read.  The information in your resume should pertain to a particular position.  Any other information can be distracting.
  7.  Use Appropriate Keywords.  Part of customizing your resume is using keywords from an employer's ad or job description. This is particularly important if you are applying online.  Applicant Tracking Software uses keywords to find qualified candidates.