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Review of the Top 2021 Internal Communication Trends

Here’s what to expect—and prioritize—in what’s sure to be another turbulent year ahead.

  Robby Brumberg2020 has squeezed us all through the wringer in multitudes of ways.It’s been a year shaped and contorted by a deadly virus, social distancing, pain and protests. We’ve all sacrificed and struggled to adjust while juggling work and home responsibilities. The chaos has been nonstop. And yet the prospect of a new year—even with a frightening pandemic still very much in high gear—offers a bit of hope for communicators around the world.Who knows what surprises 2021 will hold? Surely things will improve?If 2020 taught us anything, it’s to expect the unexpected and to be ready to “pivot” at a moment’s notice. (With all due respect to “pandemic” or “unprecedented,” “pivot” should be the word of the year, right?)Here’s what comms leaders and luminaries foresee for the year ahead:Continue reading here...