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Script Writing 101 for Content Marketers

Script Writing 101 for Content MarketersA blank page is to a script writer what a blank canvas is to an artist.Each key stroke might compare to a brush stroke. Like a painter who pulls from his imagination, you might draft a script drawn from what you already have in mind before you ever head out into the field to shoot and grab the elements.The downside to that approach is you run the risk of tunnel vision – keeping your eyes peeled for only those “scripted scenes” and overlooking more natural, fun moments you never could have anticipated.It’s these moments in video marketing that can transform a data- or information-heavy message into compelling, easy-to-understand, and profitable content, as seen in our Intermedia-MultiVu Creative Services case study.To get there, though, you need to tell your brand story in a creative way. Start with these five steps to write a script that impresses viewers and converts leads.Organize Your Script’s Elements Generally, a simple video script is divided into two columns: the left side for video, the right side for audio.On the left side, you also create notes for the editor. This will include shot selection, text that should appear on screen, and special effect instructions or transitions.The right side is where your script appears. It includes everything that your voice-over talent will eventually record into a microphone.The more detailed and precise your script, the better for everyone involved.Identify a Likable Character and Open with a Good LeadGive your audience someone with whom they might identify. The character should be likable. Let your imagination run wild here; your character doesn’t have to be a person.In a world where viewers can skip your video after the first five seconds, you want to make sure you snag their attention. Talk to your shooter (or if you shot it yourself, think back).What was the most visually appealing shot the crew gathered? What about sound? Did one of your interviews provide a soundbite so profound it made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end? Use it!E-CO-1.11.3B_Intermedia-Creative-Services-Case-Study

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