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Silver Anvil Judge's Tips - Cheryl I. Procter-Rogers APR, Fellow PRSA, PRSA Past President

Cheryl Procter-RogersJudging Silver Anvil entries since the 1980s is a benefit of PRSA membership I appreciate and cherish. We get to celebrate what is exceptional and meaningful about the work we do and spotlight programs that align with the fundamental tenets of our profession—research, planning, execution and evaluation.  Unfortunately, there are many ways to ruin an entry.  I offer the following top two tips for consideration:

  • Connect the dots!  The entry should tell a story and clearly demonstrate how the research supported the planning, how the planning informed the execution strategy, and how the execution strategy was evaluated, along with the results.
  • Provide Context.  When you state a fact or figure, put this into some context.  Example, “we received 1,000 requests for information in one week.”  State the “why” for the judges:It is a good number because the average organization our size receives only 10 requests a week.

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Entry deadline is today!