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Specialized Support: How to Reach Employees Amid the Ukraine Crisis

How to Reach Employees Amid the Ukraine Crisis 

As Russia’s invasion of the European country continues, companies based elsewhere are finding new ways to aid workers still living in Ukraine.

Emma Atkinson, Ragan CommunicationsAccording to the United Nations, nearly 3 million people have fled their homes in Ukraine since Russia began its invasion in late February.Many of those people, now refugees, are also members of the workforce. While the Russia-Ukraine conflict has prompted a humanitarian crisis, organizations that employ the people affected by the war now also have a role to play in rendering aid to their workers.[FREE WEBINAR: How to empower and inform your workforce anywhere and everywhere]Your team’s engagement with employees during geopolitical events is something that can, and should, be included in your crisis communication plan. If you haven’t already, be sure to implement a proactive, empathetic and always-on messaging approach when reaching out to affected workers.Here are four ways organizations can support their employees affected by the Ukraine crisis.1. Promote safety & security with messaging.Continue reading here...